Annual Report 047.1:An

The Mississippi Commission on the Status of Women was created by the Mississippi Legislature in 2001 to assess and influence policies and practices that affect women through an inclusive, collaborative process. Commissioners research and publish periodic reports documenting the status and concerns of women; advise and consult with the executive and legislative branches of state government; serve as a liaison between government, private interest groups, and the general public concerned with services for women; educate the state regarding the status of women; make recommendations to public and private groups and persons concerned with any issue related to improving the status of women; promote consideration of qualified women in positions at all levels of government; and report annually to the governor and the legislature on the commission's activities and findings. The annual report (July 1 to June 30) presents a snapshot of how women are faring and recommendations for changes that could benefit women and their families. The Department of Archives and History has electronic (PDF) reports from 2009 to 2015.