
"The Buena Vista Hotel, Biloxi, Miss. The Buena Vista situated on West Beach Boulevard is one of Biloxi's newest and handsomest resort hotels along the entire Gulf Coast. The hotel is of fireproof construction, tile and concrete being the principal materials used. For every modern convenience the Buena Vista can equally be compared to any big city hotel." Exterior view. Side 1.


  • Series: 2
  • Item: 742
  • Creator(s): Tichnor
  • Description: "The Buena Vista Hotel, Biloxi, Miss. The Buena Vista situated on West Beach Boulevard is one of Biloxi's newest and handsomest resort hotels along the entire Gulf Coast. The hotel is of fireproof construction, tile and concrete being the principal materials used. For every modern convenience the Buena Vista can equally be compared to any big city hotel." Exterior view. Side 1.
  • Date: 1926
  • City/State: Biloxi, Mississippi
  • County: Harrison County
  • Call Number: PI/2015.0023/Series II
  • Filename: 132494-1-postcard.tif