
"Night Bombers - by Sgt. Kenneth Gordon, Special Services, Keesler Field. Sgt. Gordon's studies of the B-24 bombers are faithful renderings of this airplane. Since Keesler Field trains mechanics to service this plane, Sgt. Gordon's illustrations are extremely popular with the men and are hung in the school, headquarters, and other buildings about the Field." View of B-24 bombers. Side 1.


  • Item: 2870
  • Creator(s): Gordon, Kenneth
  • Description: "Night Bombers - by Sgt. Kenneth Gordon, Special Services, Keesler Field. Sgt. Gordon's studies of the B-24 bombers are faithful renderings of this airplane. Since Keesler Field trains mechanics to service this plane, Sgt. Gordon's illustrations are extremely popular with the men and are hung in the school, headquarters, and other buildings about the Field." View of B-24 bombers. Side 1.
  • Date: 1944
  • City/State: Mississippi
  • Call Number: PI/2015.0023/Series II
  • Filename: 136000-1-postcard.tif