
[loose page] An Acct. of the Loades of Corn Octr. 5th, 1791, Viz, 441½ Busls., 232½ Bls. The Present Governor Name of Orleans, Baron, Carondilet: 870 Bullets—14 Drs., 3 bits in Cash, 1794
Catalog Record


  • Item: 80
  • Description: [loose page] An Acct. of the Loades of Corn Octr. 5th, 1791, Viz, 441½ Busls., 232½ Bls. The Present Governor Name of Orleans, Baron, Carondilet: 870 Bullets—14 Drs., 3 bits in Cash, 1794
  • Call Number: Z/0580.000/SF
  • Filename: Z0580-1-3-80.tif