
Letter, [Thomas] Butler, Aid de Camp, Head Quarters [sic] ?, N. [New] Orleans [Louisiana], to Governor Holmes, informing him of Major General Jackson's esteem, the need to prepare for the reception of British prisoners of war, and his wish to have arms en route speeded on their way.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2114
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-01-06
  • Description: Letter, [Thomas] Butler, Aid de Camp, Head Quarters [sic] ?, N. [New] Orleans [Louisiana], to Governor Holmes, informing him of Major General Jackson's esteem, the need to prepare for the reception of British prisoners of war, and his wish to have arms en route speeded on their way.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2114-01.tif