
Letter, N. [Nathaniel] A. Ware, Washington to W. [William] H. Crawford, writing for the Governor who is indisposed, informing that the information requested has not come through the channel of his office but he will attempt to procure it; Letters, N. [Nathaniel] A. W. [Ware], Wash. [Washington], to Colonel W. [William] Cocke, Agent [to the] Chickasaws; Colonel J. [John] McKee, Agent [to the] Choctaws; and Colonel B. [Benjamin] Hawkins, Agent [to the] Creek Indians, asking them to transmit the information called for in the enclosed Senate resolution to him.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2283
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-09-12
  • Description: Letter, N. [Nathaniel] A. Ware, Washington to W. [William] H. Crawford, writing for the Governor who is indisposed, informing that the information requested has not come through the channel of his office but he will attempt to procure it; Letters, N. [Nathaniel] A. W. [Ware], Wash. [Washington], to Colonel W. [William] Cocke, Agent [to the] Chickasaws; Colonel J. [John] McKee, Agent [to the] Choctaws; and Colonel B. [Benjamin] Hawkins, Agent [to the] Creek Indians, asking them to transmit the information called for in the enclosed Senate resolution to him.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2283-01.tif