
Letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, City of Washington [D.C.], to Governor Holmes, enclosing letters: copy of letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, City of Washington [DC], to Barth [Bartholomew] Shaumburg, stating that $60,000 has been set aside for him to issue pay for military services in Louisiana and the Mississippi Territory, instructing Shaumburg on the payment of the Mississippi Territorial militia (see also January 6, 1816 and February 21, 1816).
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2438
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1816-11-14
  • Description: Letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, City of Washington [D.C.], to Governor Holmes, enclosing letters: copy of letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, City of Washington [DC], to Barth [Bartholomew] Shaumburg, stating that $60,000 has been set aside for him to issue pay for military services in Louisiana and the Mississippi Territory, instructing Shaumburg on the payment of the Mississippi Territorial militia (see also January 6, 1816 and February 21, 1816).
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2438-01.tif