
Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Choctaw Agency, to Governor Claiborne, describes voyage from New Orleans, arrival at Mobile and reception there by Spanish officials, intelligence concerning Spanish trading practices, stopover at Fort Stoddert, inability to get military transport, sickness with ague, delivery of goodes, distribution of "implements of husbandry," redress for violent acts committed among the Indians, whereabouts of various persons, compensation to Indians for property stolen from them, and visits by the Indians to the "seat of government".
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 167
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1803-06-16
  • Description: Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Choctaw Agency, to Governor Claiborne, describes voyage from New Orleans, arrival at Mobile and reception there by Spanish officials, intelligence concerning Spanish trading practices, stopover at Fort Stoddert, inability to get military transport, sickness with ague, delivery of goodes, distribution of "implements of husbandry," redress for violent acts committed among the Indians, whereabouts of various persons, compensation to Indians for property stolen from them, and visits by the Indians to the "seat of government".
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0167-05.tif