
Letter, Samuel Mitchell, Chickasaw Agency, to Governor Claiborne, regarding delivery of stipend to the Indians, a murder of a Chickasaw half-breed in Kentucky and request for redress, a previous murder of a Chickasaw half-breed by the Delawares for whom satisfaction had not been given, financial affairs, refraining from speaking to the Indians about a cession of land due to their agitation over the murders of their kinsmen, tentative employment of a workman, requests for implements for the weaving of cotton cloth, refusal of his interpreter to continue without a raise in salary, a soldier's taking of liquor from an Indian, Indians' fugitive slaves, dispute with the Reverend Mr. Bullen, and sick travelers and the need for a hospital.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 173
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1803-08-06
  • Description: Letter, Samuel Mitchell, Chickasaw Agency, to Governor Claiborne, regarding delivery of stipend to the Indians, a murder of a Chickasaw half-breed in Kentucky and request for redress, a previous murder of a Chickasaw half-breed by the Delawares for whom satisfaction had not been given, financial affairs, refraining from speaking to the Indians about a cession of land due to their agitation over the murders of their kinsmen, tentative employment of a workman, requests for implements for the weaving of cotton cloth, refusal of his interpreter to continue without a raise in salary, a soldier's taking of liquor from an Indian, Indians' fugitive slaves, dispute with the Reverend Mr. Bullen, and sick travelers and the need for a hospital.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0173-06.tif