
Letter, Joseph Chambers, Choctaw Trading House, Fort Saint Stephens, to Governor Claiborne, gives reason for his having asked the Governor's opinion on questions submitted to the Superintendent of Military Stores, assesses business as satisfactory, has hired temporarily an interpreter/skinman, was not able complete records due to press of business, reports good relations with Indians who come to trade.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 175
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1803-08-08
  • Description: Letter, Joseph Chambers, Choctaw Trading House, Fort Saint Stephens, to Governor Claiborne, gives reason for his having asked the Governor's opinion on questions submitted to the Superintendent of Military Stores, assesses business as satisfactory, has hired temporarily an interpreter/skinman, was not able complete records due to press of business, reports good relations with Indians who come to trade.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0175-02.tif