
Letter, Joseph Chambers, Choctaw Trading House, Fort Saint Stephens, to General William Irvine, Superintendent of Military Stores, enclosing a receipt of General Wilkinson for articles furnished on orders from the Secretary of War, the selling price of which he asks to have credited to the Choctaw Trading House; asking to accompany his remittance of peltry and furs so that he may be present for the selection of goods for the trading house, that on hand not being suited to the taste of the Indians; assessing sales to be as good as could be expected under the circumstances; asking for ammunition to be sent to the trading house.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 190
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1803-10-09
  • Description: Letter, Joseph Chambers, Choctaw Trading House, Fort Saint Stephens, to General William Irvine, Superintendent of Military Stores, enclosing a receipt of General Wilkinson for articles furnished on orders from the Secretary of War, the selling price of which he asks to have credited to the Choctaw Trading House; asking to accompany his remittance of peltry and furs so that he may be present for the selection of goods for the trading house, that on hand not being suited to the taste of the Indians; assessing sales to be as good as could be expected under the circumstances; asking for ammunition to be sent to the trading house.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0190-03.tif