
Letter, Governor Claiborne, Nachitoches, to the Secretary of War, regarding the countermanding of orders leaving Colonel Cushing unable to act; the willingness of the Americans in the frontier counties to come to the aid of their country and the probability, in the event of war with Spain, that the French segment of society would take a neutral stand; the preparations for defense of the frontier; the movements and strength of the Spanish troops in the area; the sending of enclosures; a consulting with the Acting Governor of the Mississippi Territory about assistance in the event of a Spanish attack; the tranquility of New Orleans and his desire to remain at Nachitoches until the coming of General Wilkinson; the.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 212
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1806-08-28
  • Description: Letter, Governor Claiborne, Nachitoches, to the Secretary of War, regarding the countermanding of orders leaving Colonel Cushing unable to act; the willingness of the Americans in the frontier counties to come to the aid of their country and the probability, in the event of war with Spain, that the French segment of society would take a neutral stand; the preparations for defense of the frontier; the movements and strength of the Spanish troops in the area; the sending of enclosures; a consulting with the Acting Governor of the Mississippi Territory about assistance in the event of a Spanish attack; the tranquility of New Orleans and his desire to remain at Nachitoches until the coming of General Wilkinson; the.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0212-05.tif