
Letter, Acting Governor West to J. [James] Madison, Secretary of State, requesting that Laws of the United States passed since 1800 be furnished for the use of the judges and other officers of the Territorial Government, asking for his determination in regard to E. [Edward?] Turner; followed by letter (on lower part of page & backside), Acting Governor West to H. [Henry] Dearborn, Secretary of War, reporting that upon Samuel Mitchell's interpreter, Malcolm McGee's, refusal to work any longer without an increase in wages, he authorized Mitchell to hire McGee for two months at the requested salary, pending Dearborn's instructions (with notation "To be Recorded in Indian Journals").
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 325
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1804-02-29
  • Description: Letter, Acting Governor West to J. [James] Madison, Secretary of State, requesting that Laws of the United States passed since 1800 be furnished for the use of the judges and other officers of the Territorial Government, asking for his determination in regard to E. [Edward?] Turner; followed by letter (on lower part of page & backside), Acting Governor West to H. [Henry] Dearborn, Secretary of War, reporting that upon Samuel Mitchell's interpreter, Malcolm McGee's, refusal to work any longer without an increase in wages, he authorized Mitchell to hire McGee for two months at the requested salary, pending Dearborn's instructions (with notation "To be Recorded in Indian Journals").
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0325-02.tif