
Letter, Governor Williams to Governor [Charles de] Grand Pre', assuring he will do all within his power to counteract any plots by United States citizens within the Mississippi Territory to "disturb the tranquility" of his government or its citizens, referring him to Governor Claiborne to deal with problems arising from the Territory of Orleans, discussing use of passports for persons traveling between United States and Spanish territory.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 599
  • Administration: Robert Williams
  • Date(s): 1806-04-08
  • Description: Letter, Governor Williams to Governor [Charles de] Grand Pre', assuring he will do all within his power to counteract any plots by United States citizens within the Mississippi Territory to "disturb the tranquility" of his government or its citizens, referring him to Governor Claiborne to deal with problems arising from the Territory of Orleans, discussing use of passports for persons traveling between United States and Spanish territory.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0599-02.tif