
Letter, Henry Dearborn, War Department, to Governor Williams, informing Williams that General Wilkinson has been put in charge of troops in the Territory of Orleans and its vicinity, requiring Williams "should circumstances require any force" to call out Volunteers to be placed under Wilkinson's command, hoping that a satisfactory adjustment can be made between the United States and Spain, reporting that arrangements have been made at Mobile which permit transport of goods to Troops and Factory, believing that differences with England will be adjusted, replying that some swords and pistols will be deposited at Fort Adams to be loaned out when the Militia is called into actual service.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 605
  • Administration: Robert Williams
  • Date(s): 1806-05-08
  • Description: Letter, Henry Dearborn, War Department, to Governor Williams, informing Williams that General Wilkinson has been put in charge of troops in the Territory of Orleans and its vicinity, requiring Williams "should circumstances require any force" to call out Volunteers to be placed under Wilkinson's command, hoping that a satisfactory adjustment can be made between the United States and Spain, reporting that arrangements have been made at Mobile which permit transport of goods to Troops and Factory, believing that differences with England will be adjusted, replying that some swords and pistols will be deposited at Fort Adams to be loaned out when the Militia is called into actual service.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0605-02.tif