
Letter, Saml. [Samuel] Terrell, Natchez, to Governor Williams, notifying him of the completion of printing of the Magistrate's Assistant; enclosing: October 10, 1807, Copy of letter, Governor Williams, Greenville, countermanding the binding of the laws.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 872
  • Administration: Robert Williams
  • Date(s): 1807-11-12
  • Description: Letter, Saml. [Samuel] Terrell, Natchez, to Governor Williams, notifying him of the completion of printing of the Magistrate's Assistant; enclosing: October 10, 1807, Copy of letter, Governor Williams, Greenville, countermanding the binding of the laws.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0872-04.tif