
Letter, John Pitchlynn, Chaktaw [sic] Agency, to Acting Governor Williams, reporting a meeting of Creek and Choctaw Indians at which they decided against a request by the United States to have a wagon road cut through their lands and agreed to remain at peace with all white and red men; notifying that there will be another council to settle for some damage done Creeks by Cherokees.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 618
  • Administration: Thomas Hill Williams, Acting and Cowles Mead, Acting
  • Date(s): 1806-07-03
  • Description: Letter, John Pitchlynn, Chaktaw [sic] Agency, to Acting Governor Williams, reporting a meeting of Creek and Choctaw Indians at which they decided against a request by the United States to have a wagon road cut through their lands and agreed to remain at peace with all white and red men; notifying that there will be another council to settle for some damage done Creeks by Cherokees.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0618-02.tif