
Letter, Judge Harry Toulmin, St. Stephens, to Acting Governor Mead, asking assistance be rendered to the person sent to take charge of James Hughes, escaped from jail; recommending his "discoverer" be bound over to give testimony against Hughes; sending descriptions of horses, probably stolen, found in Hudson's [?] possession, to be circulated; informing of conditions in the area: pleased at the possibility of enjoying free navigation of the river and thwarted plans for attack on Mobile.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 644
  • Administration: Thomas Hill Williams, Acting and Cowles Mead, Acting
  • Date(s): 1806-08-16
  • Description: Letter, Judge Harry Toulmin, St. Stephens, to Acting Governor Mead, asking assistance be rendered to the person sent to take charge of James Hughes, escaped from jail; recommending his "discoverer" be bound over to give testimony against Hughes; sending descriptions of horses, probably stolen, found in Hudson's [?] possession, to be circulated; informing of conditions in the area: pleased at the possibility of enjoying free navigation of the river and thwarted plans for attack on Mobile.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0644-02.tif