
Letter, Colonel R. [Richard] Sparks, Cantonment Columbian Spring, to Governor Williams, reporting that Captain Swaine has inadequate provisions and he (Sparks) do not have the means to provide them, directing Captain Swaine to remain at post so long as he can be supported, sending troops to New Orleans.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 925
  • Administration: Robert Williams
  • Date(s): 1808-09-02
  • Description: Letter, Colonel R. [Richard] Sparks, Cantonment Columbian Spring, to Governor Williams, reporting that Captain Swaine has inadequate provisions and he (Sparks) do not have the means to provide them, directing Captain Swaine to remain at post so long as he can be supported, sending troops to New Orleans.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0925-02.tif