
Letter, Willm [William] Henry Harrison, Vincennes [Indiana Territory], speaking in behalf of David Floyd, charged with being Burr's accomplice, as a man who would not knowingly engage in treasonable activity; enclosing a letter from Burr to Harrison which was used to lure patriotic men into his circle (see letter dated November 27, 1807).
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 764
  • Administration: Robert Williams
  • Date(s): 1807-04-03
  • Description: Letter, Willm [William] Henry Harrison, Vincennes [Indiana Territory], speaking in behalf of David Floyd, charged with being Burr's accomplice, as a man who would not knowingly engage in treasonable activity; enclosing a letter from Burr to Harrison which was used to lure patriotic men into his circle (see letter dated November 27, 1807).
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0764-04.tif