
Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Chaktaw [sic] Agency, to Governor Williams, reporting delivery of the annuity to Chiefs, Spanish promises of gifts to the Indians, Pooshumattaha warring on Osages, and destruction of his stock; introducing Colonel Farrar and Mr. McCaleb.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 782
  • Administration: Robert Williams
  • Date(s): 1807-05-14
  • Description: Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Chaktaw [sic] Agency, to Governor Williams, reporting delivery of the annuity to Chiefs, Spanish promises of gifts to the Indians, Pooshumattaha warring on Osages, and destruction of his stock; introducing Colonel Farrar and Mr. McCaleb.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0782-02.tif