
Letter, Lieutenant Colonel James Caller, Cantonment near Fort Stoddert, to Governor Holmes, giving reports that Creek Indians had gone to Pensacola to get arms and ammunition on an order from a British General in Canada and that they were planning an immediate attack on the frontier, recounting steps taken to deal with the emergency including a description of the battle that ended in retreat by the whites, projecting tour of forts.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 1714
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1813-08-15
  • Description: Letter, Lieutenant Colonel James Caller, Cantonment near Fort Stoddert, to Governor Holmes, giving reports that Creek Indians had gone to Pensacola to get arms and ammunition on an order from a British General in Canada and that they were planning an immediate attack on the frontier, recounting steps taken to deal with the emergency including a description of the battle that ended in retreat by the whites, projecting tour of forts.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1714-03.tif