
Letter, F. [Francis] Surget to Governor Holmes, requesting that, as stated by an act of Congress, he [Surget] be compensated for the value of a Negro woman, Mariah, murdered by a Choctaw Indian; enclosing several affidavits: William Adams, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace S. [Samuel] Brooks, stating that he was shown the dead body by the young man who found it, reporting that he (Adams), William Biggs, Thomas Heath, and Surget journeyed to a Choctaw camp where they found the slave's blanket which was later identified by two slaves and upon returning to the camp later they found the Indians gone; William Biggs, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace S. [Samuel] Brooks, stating that he was shown the dead body by Surget, reporting that he (Biggs), Adams, Thomas Heath, and Surget journeyed to a Choctaw Indian camp where they found a blanket, identified by two slaves as Mariah's and upon returning later with an interpreter, they found the Indians gone; W. [William] C. Withers, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace S. [Samuel] Brooks, testifying that Mariah was sold by him (Withers) to Surget five months ago, verifying that the slave was worth $550; Thomas Heath, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace ?, December 30, 1810, testifying that the Indians told him of an Indian named Conian (or Bob in English) who had recently left the camp and who was the murderer.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 1140
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1811-01-01
  • Description: Letter, F. [Francis] Surget to Governor Holmes, requesting that, as stated by an act of Congress, he [Surget] be compensated for the value of a Negro woman, Mariah, murdered by a Choctaw Indian; enclosing several affidavits: William Adams, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace S. [Samuel] Brooks, stating that he was shown the dead body by the young man who found it, reporting that he (Adams), William Biggs, Thomas Heath, and Surget journeyed to a Choctaw camp where they found the slave's blanket which was later identified by two slaves and upon returning to the camp later they found the Indians gone; William Biggs, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace S. [Samuel] Brooks, stating that he was shown the dead body by Surget, reporting that he (Biggs), Adams, Thomas Heath, and Surget journeyed to a Choctaw Indian camp where they found a blanket, identified by two slaves as Mariah's and upon returning later with an interpreter, they found the Indians gone; W. [William] C. Withers, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace S. [Samuel] Brooks, testifying that Mariah was sold by him (Withers) to Surget five months ago, verifying that the slave was worth $550; Thomas Heath, Adams County, appearing before Justice of the Peace ?, December 30, 1810, testifying that the Indians told him of an Indian named Conian (or Bob in English) who had recently left the camp and who was the murderer.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1140-03.tif