
Letter, Thos. [Thomas] L. Butler, Aid de Camp, Head Quarters [sic], Seventh M. [Military] Dist. [District], New Orleans [Louisiana], to Governor Holmes, thanking him for forwarding keel boat with supplies and asking him to inquire about boats loaded with corn, requesting British prisoners to be sent to [New Orleans], giving movements of the enemy, notifying of Captain H. White's promotion to Major.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2129
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-02-16
  • Description: Letter, Thos. [Thomas] L. Butler, Aid de Camp, Head Quarters [sic], Seventh M. [Military] Dist. [District], New Orleans [Louisiana], to Governor Holmes, thanking him for forwarding keel boat with supplies and asking him to inquire about boats loaded with corn, requesting British prisoners to be sent to [New Orleans], giving movements of the enemy, notifying of Captain H. White's promotion to Major.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2129-04.tif