
Letter, Major General Andrew Jackson, Head Quarters [sic], Seventh M. [Military] Dist. [District], N. [New] Orleans [Louisiana], to Governor Holmes, asking for all remaining British prisoners to be sent to him to be exchanged, giving news of the Peace of Ghent, commenting upon the defeat at Fort Bowyer and the reputation of Lawrence, requesting humane treatment for Major Mitchell [copy of letter from British Foreign office.].
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2132
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-02-21
  • Description: Letter, Major General Andrew Jackson, Head Quarters [sic], Seventh M. [Military] Dist. [District], N. [New] Orleans [Louisiana], to Governor Holmes, asking for all remaining British prisoners to be sent to him to be exchanged, giving news of the Peace of Ghent, commenting upon the defeat at Fort Bowyer and the reputation of Lawrence, requesting humane treatment for Major Mitchell [copy of letter from British Foreign office.].
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2132-02.tif