
Letter, E. [Edmund] P. Gaines, Fort Claiborne, to Judge Harry Toulmin, regarding civil war among the Indians and repercussions for white settlers, seeking murderers of settlers, respecting "electioneering calumny"; Appended note, Judge Harry Toulmin to [Governor Holmes?] despairing of the malicious lies told about him, asking the Governor to get the truth to Doctor Lattimore.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2162
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-05-30
  • Description: Letter, E. [Edmund] P. Gaines, Fort Claiborne, to Judge Harry Toulmin, regarding civil war among the Indians and repercussions for white settlers, seeking murderers of settlers, respecting "electioneering calumny"; Appended note, Judge Harry Toulmin to [Governor Holmes?] despairing of the malicious lies told about him, asking the Governor to get the truth to Doctor Lattimore.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2162-03.tif