
Letter, E. [Edmund] P. Gaines, H. Q. [Headquarters] near Fort Claiborne, to Judge [Harry Toulmin], asserting the need for the organization of a county and provision of civil authorities for the area, maintaining that only Toulmin has the power to take cognizance of the offences against the peace occurring there, asking if an affidavit taken before a Justice of the Peace of Clarke County would be sufficient for him to issue a warrant.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2163
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-06-01
  • Description: Letter, E. [Edmund] P. Gaines, H. Q. [Headquarters] near Fort Claiborne, to Judge [Harry Toulmin], asserting the need for the organization of a county and provision of civil authorities for the area, maintaining that only Toulmin has the power to take cognizance of the offences against the peace occurring there, asking if an affidavit taken before a Justice of the Peace of Clarke County would be sufficient for him to issue a warrant.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2163-04.tif