
Letter, Wm. [William] E. Parker, Greenville, to Governor Holmes, regarding the difficulty in obtaining record books, his attendance at his office, and the procurement of the acts of the last General Assembly; Report, Green Ville, P. [Peter] A. Vandorn and D. P. January, reporting the state of the Jefferson County Clerk's office to be in good order, believing the public not to have suffered any injury.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2184
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-06-12
  • Description: Letter, Wm. [William] E. Parker, Greenville, to Governor Holmes, regarding the difficulty in obtaining record books, his attendance at his office, and the procurement of the acts of the last General Assembly; Report, Green Ville, P. [Peter] A. Vandorn and D. P. January, reporting the state of the Jefferson County Clerk's office to be in good order, believing the public not to have suffered any injury.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2184-04.tif