
Letter, Edwin Lewis, Pascagoula, to Governor Holmes, regarding James Ware, Justice of the Peace, countenancing illegal and treasonable activities; August 7, 1815, Certification, William Bates, Jackson County, certifying that William Howell, Clerk of the County Courts, has not properly transferred papers; Recommendation, E. [Edwin] Lewis, recommending a new Clerk be appointed, naming Archibald McManus.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2235
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-07-22
  • Description: Letter, Edwin Lewis, Pascagoula, to Governor Holmes, regarding James Ware, Justice of the Peace, countenancing illegal and treasonable activities; August 7, 1815, Certification, William Bates, Jackson County, certifying that William Howell, Clerk of the County Courts, has not properly transferred papers; Recommendation, E. [Edwin] Lewis, recommending a new Clerk be appointed, naming Archibald McManus.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2235-05.tif