
Petition, James A. Matthews to Governor Holmes, stating that he (Matthews) has been aggrieved and injured by Justice of the peace Robert H. Morrow, reporting that Morrow issued a summons for Mathews in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts while he was in jail, stating that Mrs. Matthews paid the debt and demanded the note but that Morrow "could not find it", stating that Morrow then issued an execution against Mathews, stating that when this note was paid, Morrow again refused to release the note, requesting that Morrow be removed from office for charging him (Matthews) more than the law allows. January-February 1813.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 1892
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1813-01
  • Description: Petition, James A. Matthews to Governor Holmes, stating that he (Matthews) has been aggrieved and injured by Justice of the peace Robert H. Morrow, reporting that Morrow issued a summons for Mathews in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts while he was in jail, stating that Mrs. Matthews paid the debt and demanded the note but that Morrow "could not find it", stating that Morrow then issued an execution against Mathews, stating that when this note was paid, Morrow again refused to release the note, requesting that Morrow be removed from office for charging him (Matthews) more than the law allows. January-February 1813.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1892-02.tif