
Letter, John Ker, Greenville, to Governor Holmes, enclosing the above resignation of Rush Nutt, requesting that he (Ker) be appointed to the vacancy; enclosing a recommendation, Daniel Beasley, et al., dated September 7, 1812, recommending John Ker as Surgeon to the Fourth Regiment.


  • Doc Number: 1397
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1812-09-08
  • Description: Letter, John Ker, Greenville, to Governor Holmes, enclosing the above resignation of Rush Nutt, requesting that he (Ker) be appointed to the vacancy; enclosing a recommendation, Daniel Beasley, et al., dated September 7, 1812, recommending John Ker as Surgeon to the Fourth Regiment.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1397-04.tif