
Letter, Turner Brashears, Chactaw [sic] Nation, to Governor Holmes, stating that his small army burned two towns, a fort, and crops along the Black Warrior River; stating that Chief Pucksharnaby and his warriors are going to settle down and keep clear of the Creeks; stating that he has paid half of the debt he owes to Mr. Lewis; requesting money to pay the remainder of the sum.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 1949
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1814-02-05
  • Description: Letter, Turner Brashears, Chactaw [sic] Nation, to Governor Holmes, stating that his small army burned two towns, a fort, and crops along the Black Warrior River; stating that Chief Pucksharnaby and his warriors are going to settle down and keep clear of the Creeks; stating that he has paid half of the debt he owes to Mr. Lewis; requesting money to pay the remainder of the sum.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1949-04.tif