
Letter, Harry Toulmin, Fort Stoddert, to Governor Holmes, requesting a new license to purchase horses from the Indians; stating that all the official papers of Colonel Russel? have been stolen by two deserters who have taken them to Pensacola, the governor of which has refused to return them; stating that Colonel [John?] Callier has been notified that he is to be arrested for his attempt to stop the Indians from purchasing ammunition from Pensacola and that he has requested Toulmin to defend him.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 1987
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1814-03-30
  • Description: Letter, Harry Toulmin, Fort Stoddert, to Governor Holmes, requesting a new license to purchase horses from the Indians; stating that all the official papers of Colonel Russel? have been stolen by two deserters who have taken them to Pensacola, the governor of which has refused to return them; stating that Colonel [John?] Callier has been notified that he is to be arrested for his attempt to stop the Indians from purchasing ammunition from Pensacola and that he has requested Toulmin to defend him.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1987-02.tif