
Letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, Washington [D.C.], to Governor Holmes, notifying that $40,000 has been remitted enabling the payment of militia and volunteers; Enclosure: March 29, 1817, letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, Washington [D.C.], to Bartholomew Shaumburg, sending $40,000 to pay accounts in Louisiana and the Mississippi Territory (see Doc #2546 Series 488).
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 2545
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1817-03-31
  • Description: Letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, Washington [D.C.], to Governor Holmes, notifying that $40,000 has been remitted enabling the payment of militia and volunteers; Enclosure: March 29, 1817, letter, Robert Brent, Paymaster General's Office, Washington [D.C.], to Bartholomew Shaumburg, sending $40,000 to pay accounts in Louisiana and the Mississippi Territory (see Doc #2546 Series 488).
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-2545-02.tif