
Address in Answer to the Governor's Speech to the House of Representatives (copy), reciprocates the Governor's sentiments about prosperity, peace, and gratitude to "our benificent [sic] Creator," celebrates the acquisition of Louisiana, accords with the importance of a well trained militia, will give attention to the Governor's recommendations regarding legislation, prays that the Governor communicate to the President their appreciation for the promptness with which he responded to their memorial concerning free navigation of rivers, assures the Governor of the high value they place upon agriculture, general science, and literature and will promote them.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 201
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1803-10-06
  • Description: Address in Answer to the Governor's Speech to the House of Representatives (copy), reciprocates the Governor's sentiments about prosperity, peace, and gratitude to "our benificent [sic] Creator," celebrates the acquisition of Louisiana, accords with the importance of a well trained militia, will give attention to the Governor's recommendations regarding legislation, prays that the Governor communicate to the President their appreciation for the promptness with which he responded to their memorial concerning free navigation of rivers, assures the Governor of the high value they place upon agriculture, general science, and literature and will promote them.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0201-01.tif