
Letter [Acting Governor West], to S. [Silas] Dinsmoor, Agent to the Choctaws, pleased to learn that the Nation had taken measures "to prevent the threatened mischief," agreeing that it would be good policy to honor Indians' claims for horses lost in the white territory but must consult with the Secretary of War.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 370
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1804-07-10
  • Description: Letter [Acting Governor West], to S. [Silas] Dinsmoor, Agent to the Choctaws, pleased to learn that the Nation had taken measures "to prevent the threatened mischief," agreeing that it would be good policy to honor Indians' claims for horses lost in the white territory but must consult with the Secretary of War.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0370-01.tif