
Letter, Thomas Dawson, Justice of the Peace, near Pinckney Ville [Pinckneyville], to Armand Duplantier and Saml. [Samuel] Fulton, Commanders in Chief of his Catholic Troop near the line, reporting not having received Claiborne's order but assuring cooperation in the punishment of malefactors.


  • Doc Number: 381
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1804-08-21
  • Description: Letter, Thomas Dawson, Justice of the Peace, near Pinckney Ville [Pinckneyville], to Armand Duplantier and Saml. [Samuel] Fulton, Commanders in Chief of his Catholic Troop near the line, reporting not having received Claiborne's order but assuring cooperation in the punishment of malefactors.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0381-01.tif