
Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Choctaw Agency, to Acting Governor West, thanking West for his advice concerning disposal of stray and stolen horses in the agency, asking that iron and other articles for Choctaws be sent to [New] Orleans to be forwarded with other materials up the Paskergola [sic] to a point for distribution.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 391
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1804-09-17
  • Description: Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Choctaw Agency, to Acting Governor West, thanking West for his advice concerning disposal of stray and stolen horses in the agency, asking that iron and other articles for Choctaws be sent to [New] Orleans to be forwarded with other materials up the Paskergola [sic] to a point for distribution.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0391-01.tif