
Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Choctaw Agency, to Acting Governor West, regarding a bill of exchange for Nicholas Perkins, forfeiture of John Kincaid's license to trade with the Indians and fine for his offense of supplying the Indians with taffia, forwarding of supplies, a regular procedure for disposing of stray horses, and the blowing up of Pitchlynn's storehouse and the lack of evidence necessary to justify a commitment.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 440
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1805-02-05
  • Description: Letter, Silas Dinsmoor, Choctaw Agency, to Acting Governor West, regarding a bill of exchange for Nicholas Perkins, forfeiture of John Kincaid's license to trade with the Indians and fine for his offense of supplying the Indians with taffia, forwarding of supplies, a regular procedure for disposing of stray horses, and the blowing up of Pitchlynn's storehouse and the lack of evidence necessary to justify a commitment.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0440-01.tif