
Letter, Jno. Colleir, Washington County [to Acting Governor West], notifying him of the escape from jail of Peter, a slave who murdered his master, and his being carried off and hidden by Claiborne Foster in Baldwin County, Georgia; asking that the Acting Governor see to their return to the proper jurisdiction; requesting he forward Militia commissions; apprising that fortification of Mobile had been commenced; recommending John Pickering to be commissioned as Justice of the Peace.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 450
  • Administration: William C. Claiborne
  • Date(s): 1805-02-26
  • Description: Letter, Jno. Colleir, Washington County [to Acting Governor West], notifying him of the escape from jail of Peter, a slave who murdered his master, and his being carried off and hidden by Claiborne Foster in Baldwin County, Georgia; asking that the Acting Governor see to their return to the proper jurisdiction; requesting he forward Militia commissions; apprising that fortification of Mobile had been commenced; recommending John Pickering to be commissioned as Justice of the Peace.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0450-01.tif