
Letter, D. [Drury] W. Breazeale, Greenville, Jefferson County, to Acting Governor Meed [sic], accusing Henry D. Downs, Register of the Orphans Court, of having issued a marriage license to himself and Breazeale's under age daughter in violation of the duties of his office as prescribed by law, complaining of the manner in which Downs conducted himself as Clerk of the Circuit and County Court.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 622
  • Administration: Thomas Hill Williams, Acting and Cowles Mead, Acting
  • Date(s): 1806-07-03
  • Description: Letter, D. [Drury] W. Breazeale, Greenville, Jefferson County, to Acting Governor Meed [sic], accusing Henry D. Downs, Register of the Orphans Court, of having issued a marriage license to himself and Breazeale's under age daughter in violation of the duties of his office as prescribed by law, complaining of the manner in which Downs conducted himself as Clerk of the Circuit and County Court.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0622-01.tif