
Letter, Jno. L. Patterson, by order of Major Fleharty, Petty Gulf, to Acting Governor Mead, regarding information about provisions and arms [for Burr], Mead's speech, need to prevent reinforcements [reaching Burr], and weariness of men.
Catalog Record


  • Doc Number: 727
  • Administration: Thomas Hill Williams, Acting and Cowles Mead, Acting
  • Date(s): 1807-01-20
  • Description: Letter, Jno. L. Patterson, by order of Major Fleharty, Petty Gulf, to Acting Governor Mead, regarding information about provisions and arms [for Burr], Mead's speech, need to prevent reinforcements [reaching Burr], and weariness of men.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-0727-01.tif