
Letter, Judge Harry Toulmin, Fort Stoddert, to Governor Holmes, enclosing letter from General Wilkinson (missing), expressing discouragement over the threatening appearances in the Creek nation and resolution over dealing with the situation, regarding difficulty with getting mail through, questioning behavior of the Spaniards, rejoicing over the election of Doctor Lattimore, regretting resignation of Willm. Malone as Clerk of Clarke County, suggesting that the Governor write an encouraging letter to Thomas Malone.


  • Doc Number: 1604
  • Administration: David Holmes
  • Date(s): 1815-07-05
  • Description: Letter, Judge Harry Toulmin, Fort Stoddert, to Governor Holmes, enclosing letter from General Wilkinson (missing), expressing discouragement over the threatening appearances in the Creek nation and resolution over dealing with the situation, regarding difficulty with getting mail through, questioning behavior of the Spaniards, rejoicing over the election of Doctor Lattimore, regretting resignation of Willm. Malone as Clerk of Clarke County, suggesting that the Governor write an encouraging letter to Thomas Malone.
  • Call Number: Series 0488
  • Filename: 488-1604-01.tif