Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		<>
To: 		RM.GOV_PO.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL; "".Net.GOV_MAIL
Created: 	3/1/2000 5:08 PM
Subject: 	Clean up the Talk Shows

    Dear Governor,

             I dont know if youve noticed, but those T.V. Talk Shows that are 
on T.V. all day long are very trashy.  They tend to glorify people who lead 
very immoral lives.  Our kids see these people and they think that this is 
normal, acceptable behavior when it is not.  Im sick and tired of these talk 
shows putting the most outragous people who lead sorted lifestyles and making 
them seem like there stars for doing so.  These shows are rotting the moral 
values of the millions of impressionable kids who watch them.  I know that 
the government was responsible fo taming the Jerry Springer Show by putting 
an end to all the fights that went on on that show but I think there is much 
more work to be done in cleaning up the content of these shows.  Please 
consider what I have said.  Our kids are counting on you.

                                                    John Cavella

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Clean up the Talk Shows\Mime.822

