Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		Dan <>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	11/16/2000 10:44 AM
Subject: 	Election 2000 or 2001?

November 16, 2000

We are writing to our elected officials to let them know how appalled,
ashamed, and disgusted we are about this election.  We can not believe
in this day and age we have people that can*t fill in an election ballot
or at least ask for help prior to the election results. It is easy to
say now that they didn*t do it right or made a mistake.  Is this the
only state with problems?   Why are the democrats the only ones
complaining about problems?  Didn*t any republicans vote in Florida or
did they have different ballots? If we took a vote I*m sure we could
name many more states, counties and people that now feel they had
problems.  We do not believe that the state of Florida or any of its
counties should be allowed to re-vote unless the entire country is
allowed the same.  Why is it now people are complaining about the
Electoral College?  If they want the country to vote on the issue fine,
but to try to do away with during the election or results of it is
ludicrous.  We have also heard that some working on the democratic
campaign went around to the homeless and gave them cigarettes and
absentee ballots to vote.  Is this not buying votes?  What is our
country turning into?  We thought when you won a contest, game, election
it didn*t matter by how many points or numbers, one is enough, isn*t
it?  We do believe we need a national ballot so all look the same so
nobody can use these excuses in the future.  We also feel no numbers
should be given out to anyone until everyone in the country has had
their opportunity to vote.  This way people will not be discouraged and
not vote, or think the one they are voting for already has enough to win
so why vote.  Is Florida the only state with overseas ballots?  And if
Florida had a recount, why not all the other states that came in close
too?  Shouldn*t we have all overseas ballots counted too?  We can*t
believe our vice-president of the United States is putting our country
at risk and making us look like idiots.  We hope by sending this letter
to our elected officials our voice will be heard.

Dan and Kristy Brown
Concerned American Citizens

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Election 2000 or 2001_\Mime.822

