Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		Bo Sullivan <>
To: 		"".Net.GOV_MAIL
Created: 	2/1/2002 7:01 AM
Subject: 	Psalm 35:26

Psalm 35:26

Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion
Who rejoice at my hurt;
Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor
Who exalt themselves against me.

Jesus Christ taught us not to hate our enemies. He taught us to do good to those who would do evil towards us. He warned us not to rejoice over the fall of our enemy lest God see it and 

repent of His judgment over them (Proverbs 24:17,18). See, we must do unto others as we would have others to do unto us. 

What kind of heart does it take to rejoice at someone's hurt? This I know, that is a heart destined for mutual confusion. Shame awaits them. It's not a good path to walk on. It's not a good place to go. Instead of honor this heart will be awarded dishonor. Shame and dishonor will have to be worn like clothing, it's what everyone sees you dressed in. This will not be a pretty sight. It does not pay to exalt yourself against people. 

It is in godly order to pray like David did. It's OK to ask God to defend you if you're on the short end of the stick in a situation. If people are rejoicing at your hurt and exalting themselves against you, pray for God to judge them. He will do it. 

In The Master's Service,

Bo Sullivan

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- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Psalm 35_26\TEXT.htm

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Psalm 35_26\Mime.822


