Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		<>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	7/1/2000 11:59 AM
Subject: 	Please Listen.

I know you will not read this because I am white person and I don't count. I 
am so upset with this whole stupid flag issue. YOU are not listening to 
Everyone. Just the little group call themselves the NAACP. If we change OUR 
flag, we should have change all state flags.  You know I find the NAACP 
offensive, but you will do nothing about that because I am White AMERICAN.  
We voted you in office because we thought you would do the right thing by 
listening to all of your people of the state, not just the ones who have to 
start trouble. Do any of you see what they are doing? You are making me a 
racist, and so is the NAACP.  I have never felt this much anger until now, 
when you and every black person who wants to change our history. I mean this 
is YOUR State. You should be proud of its heritage and not want to change its 
history for no reason what so ever. But everyone sees how you feel about our 
state. Anyone who hates our flag has the option to leave,and that should also 
include anyone in our government too. Just think of all the history we will 
have to be changeing. But of course it will look WONDERFUL for you because 
YOUR NAME along with other morans will be in my future childrens history 
books ( THE GOVERNOR who changed our state flag for the little minority 
people.) You should feel so proud yourself.  We are all trying to sign 
petitions to get a vote for the flag on a ballet. This is what we have to do. 
Now the NAACP, all they have to do is cry and threaten to act like the 
animals that they are, and you will listen to them.  But us good southern 
people who try to do things right, we get dumped on. I just wish you would 
listen to everyone! We have a beautiful state flag, it doesn't need be 
changed, you are just scared and you have no backbone to stand up the NAACP 
people. Boy are we glad to have you as a governor. Next time when I vote 
again, I will pay closer attention to those fake smiles and unconcerned eyes 
when you ask to please Vote for me, I am here for you. Yea right, not unless 
we are black.  

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Please Listen_\Mime.822

