Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		<>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	5/23/2000 2:24 PM
Subject: 	No Subject

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Visit us! >><A HREF="">Holy Cross</A> 
Lutheran Church

Governor Ronnie Musgrove
Office of the Governor
Post Office Box 139
Jackson, MS 39205

Dear Governor Musgrove,

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and from Holy Cross Lutheran 
Church & Child Care Center!

Once again our congregation is sponsoring a summer program for school age 
children called GSummer Around HIS World - 2000 A.D.G  Last summer the 
children GvisitedG the United States, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Israel, China, 
Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Russia.  Holy Cross received packages conta
ining books, magazines, and pamphlets from the Canadian, French, German, and 
Israeli Consulates in Chicago.  

In response to our e-mail greetings, Holy Cross received letters from 
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chr+tien, the Office of French President Jacques 
Chirac, and the Office of German Chancellor Gerhard Schr+der.  Holy Cross was 
also pleased to host Consul Belaynesh Zevadia of the Consulate General of 
Israel to the Midwest in Chicago who spoke to the children about life in 

This summer two Gfive-week toursG have been planned for the children.  Once 
again the starting point is our own beloved United States, specifically the 
states along the Gulf coast.  From there the children will embark on the 
first Gfive-week tourG of some Caribbean and Latin American countries.  

I know your have a very busy schedule as Governor of Mississippi.  If at all 
possible, I would appreciate a letter or an e-mail greeting for the children 
enrolled in Holy CrossG GSummer Around HIS World - 2000 A.D.G

Thank you for your timely consideration of this request.

Respectfully yours,

Rev. Douglas O. Handrich

P.S.    If your travels this summer bring you near Peoria, IL, please 
consider this letter an invitation to visit Holy Cross.

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\No Subject\Mime.822

