Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		<>
Created: 	3/1/2000 11:05 AM
Subject: 	Claremont Institute Precepts: Taiwan Trouble and Missile Defense

The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS|       |March 1, 2000
Visit <>|        | No. 219

With America's primary season in full swing, it is easy to
overlook another important election that will be taking
place soon. Taiwan, a democracy, will elect its next
president on March 18. China, a despotism, is no stranger
to meddling in the elections of other nations. Last week,
the Chinese threatened violence against the peaceful and
prosperous island. Evidently, China's leaders hope to
intimidate Taiwan's voters into electing a candidate
friendly to unification. 

This the latest of China's bold steps, which also include
threatening the United States with nuclear retaliation if
our forces come to the aid of Taiwan in the event of an
attack from the mainland. 

Specifically, Beijing asserts that Taiwan falls under
China's sovereignty and that it intends to formalize this
status through official reunification; that it is prepared
to use military force to accomplish this; and that it
regards the proposals made by some in Congress to provide
Taiwan with a theatre missile defense as interference in
its--that is, mainland China's--domestic affairs.

In deploying a theatre missile defense, the United States
would honor its pledge to protect Taiwan, and show Beijing
that it may not throw its weight around with impunity. But
if that is evident, is it not even more so that we must
deploy a missile defense for our own land and citizens?

Critics of missile defense point to its technological
complexity to argue that "it won't work" and that it is a
waste of time and money to try to make it work. This has
proved an effective strategy, sapping the political will
necessary to make missile defense a reality.  

Those who modestly propose that it is worth some effort to
defend America from a missile attack--whether from China
or any number of other nations acquiring missile
technology--must be able to answer this charge.  This
does not require an advanced degree in science, but does
require a bit of time and study.  To provide just such
training, the Claremont Institute has published a brief but
detailed primer, explaining the political as well as
technological issues of missile defense.  In addition, this
past weekend over 100 policy-makers and citizens attended
an Institute conference on the subject. Senator Jon Kyl (R-
Ariz.), one the most forceful proponents of missile defense
in the Congress, delivered the keynote address.  

To read the citizen's guide in PDF format go to,
or visit the Claremont Institute's website at RealAudio and RealVideo from the
conference will also be available on our homepage soon.

Larry P. Arnn
President, The Claremont Institute

Copyright (c) 2000 The Claremont Institute

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- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\Claremont Institute Precepts_ Taiwan Trouble and Missile Defense\Mime.822

