Series 2558: Constituent Correspondence, 2000-2003

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From: 		<>
To: 		Governor Musgrove
Created: 	5/23/2000 10:11 AM
Subject: 	RE:  State Flag of Mississippi

Dear Honorable Governor,

I am a resident of Collinvsille, Mississippi and a registered tax paying 
voter.  I would like to take this opportunity to express my feelings about 
the State of Mississippi flag.

I think it is absurd for the issue of changing the flag to even be discussed. 
 Mississippi should be trying to educate it's people about the truth of the 
War Between the States.  To change the flag will only further the cause of 
ignorance about the true cause of the war.  

I DO NOT base opinions of people on the color of their skin, however I AM 
PROUD OF MY SOUTHERN HERITAGE.  I am also aware that the war was not about 
slavery.  I am not for slavery in the past or the future.  That includes not 
allowing oneself to become a slave to a small group of misguided people.  
People should be re-educated with care and concern instead of being allowed  
and encouraged to continue in their ignorance.

There are certainly a lot more important issues at hand that we should all 
work together to correct.  Thank you for allowing me to advise you of my 
feelings about our beautiful flag!

Carol A. Sessums

- Attachment Filename: 	C:\archives\governor\mail\Governor Musgrove\_attach\RE_  State Flag of Mississippi\Mime.822

